Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The meaning of life...

My second time writing this in the same day. A record!! Anyway, could not help writing again. Just finish watching an inspiring movie-"Mrs. Alice Washington goes to Smith". From the title, I expected another goofy movie about an old lady doing goofy stuffs (something like 'Rombongan Cik Kiah'). From the info, the movie was about a woman named Alice Washington who was cheated by her husband and decided to further her studies, getting the degree that she was supposed to get 30 years ago when she decide to marry her husband instead. The whole movie was about her adventures. Again, in my mind, I thought "OMG, another feel good movie about some lady changing her luck". I was not wrong about the storyline but totally wrong about the impact. Watching it for the next 2 hours, I could not help smiling and laughing at the irony of the movie. And at the end of it, I did (and I'm not ashamed to admit) I cried. The thing is even if this movie is as cliche as the title suggested but it was well played by the characters. Alice was a typical woman who thought she had everything she ever wanted and life got cruel when her husband dumped her for a younger woman. Typical right? She decided to pursue her degree instead of wallowing about it. Again, typical right? What is not typical were the things she did when she was pursuing it. She agreed (with slight resistance at first) to share her room with a 20 year old prodigee who turned to be her BFF throughout her studies there, and also the one who taught her few things about modern day dating. She joined the basketball team and allowed herself to be trained by another 20 year old who seemed to believe that she was talented. She danced with the girls in her dorm when stress crept in as they were in their final exam weeks. She let the girls taught her about the do's and don't of the fashion world and they loved her for it. And to think at that time she was 47 years old with a 25 year old lawyer daugther and 19 years old genius son! As I watched she grew in the movie, I realised that this movie is about someone taking the risks to relive her life in the midst of all her problems. Of course, as any feel-good movie, it was a happy ending but how it ends made a whole lot different compare to other feel-good movies. It ends with her holding her head up and getting that dignitiy she lost the day her husband left her. That is the meaning of life. Yes, it's true that life is temporary but Allah did not create all this for us to wallow into self-pity. ALLAH wants us to live our life to the fullest, spread our wings and find that meaning. ALLAH wants us to look in ourselves and see that HE has created the best in us. That is why HE never set any age-limit in finding knowledge. Even our beloved Prophet (p.b.u.h) continued seeking for it up to his last day..and each knowledge we find, we become wiser and each time we grow wiser, we are one step to reach the meaning of life..and this is the principle that I will try to hold for the rest of my life. Age should not hinder me in anyway....InsyaAllah...

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