Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha...1410..almost end of another Hijrah year..Sacrifice..that's the theme of the Raya. So, what have I done that could be condone as my sacrifice this year? Hmm..let me see. My dad, my mom, Aleesya, my friends...even if I could quantify everything I have sacrificed for them, I could not ignore that they have done exactly the same thing for me. I could not discount the blessings which Allah has given me throughout this year. I could not forget the misdeeds I did the whole year, which I think deduce the amount of good I's not easy right? It is never easy to understandy the purity of sacrifice as taught to us in Islam. Even if we slaughter tens and hundreds of cows or goats, would that be enough? Would that show our sincerity to Allah for all He has done for us? Subhanallah, in my 36 years of life I think I only sacrifice not even 1/100th of my life for You. I've done more sins then I could ever imagine. But I also try my best to do good in this world and I hope Allah will accept that...eventually..I know I have long way to go. I'll continue to pray that I will have the strength to be even a better person..insyaAllah...